Thursday, 11 June 2020



What is Postman?

Postman is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs. This is done by allowing users to create and save simple and complex HTTP/s requests, as well as read their responses. The result - more efficient and less tedious work.

Available as 

* Chrome extension : 

*Desktop App for Windows, Linux and Mac :

CRM Configuration Manager

CRM Configuration Manager

CRM Configuration Manager is an application for working with customizations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
The setup includes two applications, Customization Manager and Configuration Manager. Customization Manager is a console application that can perform every action that is done inside Configuration Manager,
which is a Windows Form application. You can use Configuration Manager to setup an export / import selection, and get the command line for the operation for use inside scripts.

Here follows a list of all the main features,
  • JavaScript Export/Import, This allows you to extract JavaScript to a local folder, where you can work in a proper script editor, and later import them back. You can also create new javascripts in the same folder, just follow the name convention and they will also be imported to the correct entity / event.
  • Include Related Entities, This features will automatically include related entities to the selected entities, so their relationships are exported and can be reviewed for conflicts. This is recommended during the development process when relationships may change.
  • One-click Deployment, You can select a source and destination CRM Server, performing an Export and Import in one step.
  • Console Application, Making it possible to import and export inside nant, msbuild or bat scripts, for example to export the customization each night and “check in” to a source code repository, enabling version control of the customizations. Also to import customizations directly from a MSI installation.
  • Export Only Modifications, You can export a “clean” customization xml in the beginning of a project and save it in the application folder as “CleanCustomization.xml”, the application will compare the current state and only export the entities that are modified or added.
  • Remove Deleted Attributes, This feature only applies when importing a customization. When this operation is selected one will be prompted with all attributes that has been removed in the new customization, given the possibility to remove them from the CRM instance.
  • Changes Attribute data type, When changing an attributes data type and then trying to import it to a CRM instance that still contains the old attribute would normally generate an error. This is now handled and the data inside the old attribute will be converted to the new data type (when possible and logical)
  • Publish, You can publish the customizations, can also be used at it’s own, for example assigning it to a system wide hotkey for fast access.
  • Node & Entity Selection, you can select what nodes and entities to import and export. For example only export ISV Config or the Site Map. Possible items to select,
    EntitiesWorkflowsRolesISV Config
    SitemapTemplatesCalendar SettingsGeneral Settings
    Email SettingsMarketing SettingsOutlook SynchronizationAutoNumbering Settings
    And more…
It's free of charge and can be downloaded bellow,
 CcmSetup1.55.exe (965,61 kb)
       Version History

Set the CRM Form as Read Only(Disabled) in MS CRM 2011/2013/2015

Sometimes we get requirement to disable each and every field on the CRM form based on a condition.

We can achieve that functionality by writing simple JavaScript.

function setFormAsReadOnly() {
    //Write you conditions here.

function doesControlHaveAttribute(control) {
    var controlType = control.getControlType();
    return controlType != "iframe" && controlType != "webresource" && controlType != "subgrid";

function disableFormFields(onOff) {
    Xrm.Page.ui.controls.forEach(function (control, index) {
        if (doesControlHaveAttribute(control)) {
Hope this helps.

CI/CD for Dynamics 365 CE using Azure DevOps

  CI/CD for Dynamics 365 CE using Azure DevOps We will see how we can implement Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) f...