Monday, 24 May 2021

Console app with oAuth

CRUD Operation in Console Application using C# in Dynamics 365

public CrmServiceClient ConnectWithOAuth() { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to D365 Server..."); string authType = "OAuth"; string userName = ""; string password = "XXXXXXXX"; string url = ""; string appId = "44fbace3-81ad-42f2-a76a-a7d377fec266"; string reDirectURI = "https://localhost"; string loginPrompt = "Auto"; string ConnectionString = string.Format("AuthType = {0};Username = {1};Password = {2}; Url = {3}; AppId={4}; RedirectUri={5};LoginPrompt={6}", authType, userName, password, url, appId, reDirectURI, loginPrompt); CrmServiceClient svc = new CrmServiceClient(ConnectionString); return svc; 


public void PerformCRUD(CrmServiceClient svc)

{ //CREATE var myContact = new Entity("contact"); myContact.Attributes["lastname"] = "Learn"; myContact.Attributes["firstname"] = "Softchief"; myContact.Attributes["jobtitle"] = "Consultant"; Guid RecordID = svc.Create(myContact); Console.WriteLine("Contact create with ID - " + RecordID); //RETRIEVE Entity contact = svc.Retrieve("contact", new Guid("df4df113-746c-eb11-a812-000d3a3b1114"), new ColumnSet("firstname", "lastname")); Console.WriteLine("Contact lastname is - " + contact.Attributes["lastname"]); //Retrieve Multiple Record QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression("contact"); qe.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("firstname", "lastname"); EntityCollection ec = svc.RetrieveMultiple(qe); for (int i = 0; i < ec.Entities.Count; i++) { if (ec.Entities[i].Attributes.ContainsKey("firstname")) { Console.WriteLine(ec.Entities[i].Attributes["firstname"]); } } Console.WriteLine("Retrieved all Contacts..."); //UPDATE Entity entContact = new Entity("contact"); entContact.Id = RecordID; entContact.Attributes["lastname"] = "Facts"; svc.Update(entContact); Console.WriteLine("Contact lastname updated"); //DELETE svc.Delete("contact", RecordID); //Execute Entity acc = new Entity("account"); acc["name"] = "Soft"; var createRequest = new CreateRequest() { Target = acc }; svc.Execute(createRequest); //Execute Multiple var request = new ExecuteMultipleRequest() { Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection(), Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings { ContinueOnError = false, ReturnResponses = true } }; Entity acc1 = new Entity("account"); acc1["name"] = "Soft1"; Entity acc2 = new Entity("account"); acc2["name"] = "Soft2"; var createRequest1 = new CreateRequest() { Target = acc1 }; var createRequest2 = new CreateRequest() { Target = acc2 }; request.Requests.Add(createRequest1); request.Requests.Add(createRequest2); var response = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)svc.Execute(request); }

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